Version 5.2. Last updated: 15 May 2024  
Nomenclator Detail Record
Name: Culex sticticus Meigen, 1838: 1
Type: TL: Germany (T A MNHN Paris)
Status: (Available, Invalid) Junior PRIMARY Homonym
Notes: preocc. Meigen, 1835
Valid Name: Aedes (Ochlerotatus) sticticus (Meigen, 1835)
Family: Culicidae
Category: Species
Range: (PA)
Citation: Meigen, J.W. 1838. Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Siebenter Theil oder Supplementband. Schultz, Hamm. xii + 434 + [1] pp. [1838.09.21]
Verification Code: 99
Authority: Harbach, R.E. 2018
Revision Date: 06/20/2023
Kind of Name: Species
Record #: 59755
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Content by Neal L. Evenhuis and Thomas Pape
Please send questions and comments to Neal L. Evenhuis or Thomas Pape
Served from Bishop Museum, Honolulu - Web Design: Nikolas Ioannou, ZMUC; Admin: Richard L. Pyle; Photos: © S.A. Marshall